Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Week 05 Perspective

Week 05 we had to do a drawing of a painting of John Berky

Here is the painting I chose.

I blocked out the background colors for the sky.

I blended the colors together

I made a screenshot of my 3D model I did in Maya to get the ship in perspective.

I lowered the opacity if the sketch layer. I made a new layer and sketched out the ship.

I sketched out the placement of the planet.

I painted the planet and added a few details.

I added some textures of metal over the ship, and changed the blending mode to my liking.

I hid the sketch layer and added a cliff texture to the planet. 

I lowered the opacity of the sketch.

I shaded the ship and planet, and added reflected color and highlights.

I fixed the composition so it looked more like the reference. I also increased the contrast and tried to make the ship closer to the reference.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Week 4 Assignment Composition

For our Week 4 Assignment we had to recreate one of Drew Stuzan posters. I chose to remake the one from Pan's Labyrinth. Below are the stages I took to make the image. The image was made with a triangle composition.


Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Week 5 Modeling a Cannon.

I am modeling a Warhammer Cannon for this project

Here is the reference for my cannon.

WIP 01. Here is a quick block out of the cannon.

WIP 02. I started to refine the blockout and added smaller shapes to the model.

WIP 03. I detailed the track a little more and started to add the hardware for it.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Week 04 Building Helms Deep

Our Week 04 assignment was to build a scene from the Lord of the Rings. We chose to do the battle for Helms Deep. I was picked as the team lead by our instructor. We had four teams, and the assignment was supposed to teach us how to work together in large teams.

This how Helms Deep turned out.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Week 3 Drawing Assignment

Week 3 Drawing Assignment

For this assignment we had to shade a drawing by Frank Frazetta.

Blocked out values.

Added 50% gray layer and shaded the drawing. I added a gradient to the background.

I put the drawing at 100% and pushed the shading further.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Week 3 Lego Project

For week three we are building a Lego scene of the battle of Helms Deep. I made the following pieces for the Helms Deep set.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Week 2 Assignment Silhouettes

Week 2 Assignment

We had to do nine silhouettes based on a design by Brian Froud.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Week 2 Assignment Minecraft Level

Week 2 Assignment Minecraft Level

For this assignment I modeled a 40 cm cube in Maya and beveled it. I used 4 segments in the bevel to get an edge loop at the corners of the cube once it was level. I uved the cube so the top and bot uvs had unique texture space. I decided to overlap the sides and the have the front and back faces share the same texture space to get more texel density on the cube. My textures for this cube is going to be 48 x 48 tga.

Here are the textures I created to build the level. I created a grass, cement, brick texture set. The brick and cement textures have a grunge and corner variation. I also made a window set to add details for the buildings.

The materials were set up in the same way. I kept it very simple. I set the filtering on the images to nearest to get the pixel look you see in Minecraft.

Below are the amount of materials I made for the level.

I tried to make a derelict city that was starting to be over run by nature.