Monday, August 27, 2018

Week 01 Project

Week 01 project was to establish scale between Maya and Unreal Engine 4. To do this I exported the SK Mannequin out of Unreal as a FBX and imported it into Maya. Then I modeled a 182 cm cube in Maya.

I then created a 10 cm cube and beveled it. I also applied a Blinn material and named it the way I wanted it to be named in Unreal.

I exported the 10 cm cube to unreal as a FBX.

I imported the cube into Unreal and accepted the default settings.  I edited the material and exposed the settings of the material, so I can change them in the material instances as desired.

To expose the settings you need to right click on the title of the constant and tell it convert to parameter. You can the parameter to the name you want.

I took the block and placed it in the scene. I duplicated the block a few times and made several instances of the master material and renamed them. To clone the block around just hold alt and move it around to the desired position. This is what I built after a few hours.

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